Diet Resolutions-Let’s Get Shredded!!

As I reflect on this last year and look into the empty pages of the year to come, I ask myself, “How do I want this year to look? What are my hopes and dreams? What improvements/changes do I want to make?

I think these are questions many of us ask.

The first week of January is “Diet Resolution week” A week to get on track with our food and exercise. Shed some of that holiday fluff and “Get back in shape”

*Detox is something I do every year.*

I do a healthy juicing detox fast. I feel so great and renewed and ready to face the new year! I eat so healthy and clean for a long time, and (THEN) birthdays, holidays, pot lucks, lunches with friends, all seem to wittle away at my healthy eating or I get busy with work and kids and don’t have time to fit in my work-outs and walks. Then, before you know it, I’m back where I was!!

(It’s amazing how hard and time consuming it is to get on track health-wise but it seems like no time before we feel out of shape!)

Well, that just goes to show, that life isn’t always perfect and things don’t always go as we plan. The important part is “To HAVE a plan” When we fall or stumble, we get right back up and we keep going! Never giving up!!

So as I am thinking of my health plan for the year, I am putting my “Spiritual Health” at the top!! I ask myself, “What are the plans that CHRIST has laid out for me this year?”

Spiritually fasting from the things that take my eyes off Christ.

  • Fasting from things that keep me from regular prayer.

  • Fasting from things that hold me back from the work that God has planned for me to do.

  • Also, fasting from things that want me to compromise God’s word and truths.

There are MANY distractions aren’t there? Movies, TV shows, the News, Politics, and yes EVEN RELIGION! We have to take the things we hear or are being taught in this world or even at church and hold it up to the LIGHT OF THE GOSPEL! If it is different, confusing, if it is altered in any way - It is NOT of GOD!

We are living in days that are numbered. JESUS is coming soon!!!!

Do we want to win the race to see Jesus? Then we MUST DETOX the untruths out of our walk with him.

  • Toss out allowing ourselves to compromise

  • Refuse to allow traditions of men to outshine God’s words

  • Never allowing the world to be more important than the work we have to do for the kingdom

  • Never and I mean never allow ourselves to embrace sin over God’s words

Instead - We are called to EMBRACE the words of God, his truths, his Commandments, his LOVE - embracing JESUS himself! Ask God for Forgiveness from sins and allow him to cleanse you with his righteousness!!! One way to detox - is with a heart of repentance.

Taking time to PONDER over his great love for mankind and all he has done and continues to do! REFLECTING on how he has Forgiven us our own sins and how we might Glorify him with our Gratitude and Love!

So on this “Spiritual Diet Resolution Week” I am reminded of these words from Gods holy book:

John 4:34 “My food,” said Jesus, “is to do the will of him who sent me and to finish his work.

John 6:35 Then Jesus declared, “I am the bread of life. Whoever comes to me will never go hungry, and whoever believes in me will never be thirsty.”

Matthew 4:4 Jesus answered, “It is written: ‘Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God.’”

Matthew 5:6 “Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled.”

1 Corinthians 10:31 “So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.”

John 4:14 “Whoever drinks of the water that I will give him will never thirst again”

If you seek to Detox sin out of your life, Remember, God IS there to pick us back up when we stumble. We has his loving hand holding ours and we can Trust in Him, his words and his promises!


Heavenly Father, I pray that you make me so focused on you that I lose any interest or desire to hear words of compromise. That I will feed on your words day and night. That I will love your truths so much that they are not only imprinted on my heart, but that they are within every cell of my being! Make your words the Food I crave and seek daily and make me strong in faith that I might do the work that you have planned!

Thank you Lord Jesus for your mighty glory and endless love and forgiveness!! In Jesus name - AMEN!


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