A Rae of Hope - Lorenda Rae Audio

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Gonna Wash that Sin Right Outta My Hair!

I went with my daughter the other day to get her a haircut. We asked what it would take to add some fun colors into her hair. Maybe red or blue or just something fun. The hair dresser said, first they have to bleach out the natural hair color, because the new color will be more likely to stay and not wash out right away.  

The damage caused by the bleaching, helps the new color adhere stronger and last longer, otherwise it would just wash out after a few washes.

Later I was thinking how this is so much like our spiritual lives. God allows the pain and hurt in our life to “bleach” out the sinful carnal ways we are naturally born with. Because of the pain, we are able to see our sins and our need for Christ. We recognize our desperate need for Him, and we that we WANT Him to come in and remake us. God wants to come in and change our hearts, but we must be willing to let Christ rid us of our sinful ways.

If we don’t allow God to take out our sinful character, how will others see Christ in us? If we are still behaving as we always did, how will there be a difference?

1 Peter 1:6-7: Though now for a little while if necessary, you have been grieved by various trials, so that the tested genuineness of your faith…may be found to result in praise and glory and honor at the revelation of Jesus Christ.”

Christ comes in and cleanses us of our sin, he washes us spiritually and as we allow ourselves to become empty of our sin, God then remakes us, filling us with his heart, his thoughts, his love and his character. We are renewed and remade with Christ living in us. To keep the relationship from washing away, this transformation must happen from the inside out, from the heart.

So now, the difference can be seen. The true colors of Christ can come through as we daily submit our lives to him.

Colossians 3:10 and have put on the new self who is being renewed to a true knowledge according to the image of the One who created him—

Just like my daughter would have to allow the hairdresser to bleach out her natural hair color so that the new color would be vibrant and last longer, also spiritually, we must allow God to remove our natural born sinful self and fill us with his holy spirit and transform us into the new self. However, unlike hair color that grows out and fades, God in us is lasting as we daily walk with him. Christ’s mercies are fresh and new each morning and as we abide in him and he in us. His character becomes brighter and more established in our lives!

  • Admit we are sinners

  • Confess he is Lord and Savior

  • Submit our lives to him daily

  • Spend time in developing our personal relationship with Christ in bible study and prayer

  • Share Christ with others

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Prayer: God please come in and remake me from the inside out. Wash me of my sins and transform my life and heart to look like Jesus. Thank you for your glorious mercies every day father. In the name of Jesus, Amen.