Searching for Joy?

Studies are showing higher than normal rates of anxiety and depression due to Corona 19 lockdowns. It’s also likely you feel some worries and fears and wonder what tomorrow will bring next. You might even be finding it hard to find hope and joy while searching for your place in this world.

These fears and anxiety are actually a GIFT for us. A gift to help us remember that our hope and joy and purpose ISN'T found in THIS world.

As we head into December, we turn our eyes directly onto the ONE who came to fill our hearts with TRUE hope and joy.

That precious gift came wrapped in swaddling clothing in a manger. That wonderful gift is "Jesus". The true light of the world. The TRUE Joy to this world.

"Joy to the world, the Lord has come
Let earth receive her King
Let every heart prepare Him room
And heaven and nature sing!"

Soon he will come again! This time to take us home!


Adopted into God’s Family


Gonna Wash that Sin Right Outta My Hair!