A Rae of Hope - Lorenda Rae Audio

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Three ways to Pray to Lift your heart to Jesus

The world can seem like a dark place sometimes. It is easy to focus on the bad that is going on and feel overwhelmed. But today we are going to focus on good things. We are going to focus on the light and love found only in Jesus Christ.

1. Prayer for Gratitude:

Oh Lord, I just want to thank you for the many blessings you have given me. I probably don't thank you as often as I should, but today I come before you with a grateful heart. Thank you for your loving kindness and tender mercies that endure forever. Thank you for blessing me with so much more than I deserve. Thank you for being my Father and friend. Thank you for never leaving me nor forsaking me throughout my life. In Jesus Name, Amen

2. Prayer for our Children:

Lord, please bless our children and grandchildren. Please surround them with Your love and comfort them in their times of fear or sadness. Please give them wisdom to make good decisions, and the strength to stand firm in their faith. Help them to see You in everything and everyone they encounter, and help them to love others as You love us all. In Jesus Name, Amen

3. Prayer to Help Us Forgive:

Dear Father, I know that I am a sinner. Please forgive me and cleanse my heart so that I may live free of resentments towards others. Whenever I am hurt by the actions of others, remind me that forgiveness is what You desire from me. Help me show them the same compassion you show me. Let your love flow through me. In Jesus Name, Amen