Does God have a plan for your life?

Maybe you wonder if God really does have a plan and a talent for you? Perhaps you don't feel qualified or even "talented enough."

“God what is your plan for my life?”

That is a question many of us ask. It is amazing how God reveals his plans and sometimes uses the things we least expect!

We can even sabotage those plans with our negative self talk. We get in God’s way of doing the work IN us and THROUGH us, by our disbelief and lack of faith in ourself and God above.

Negative self-talk can hold us back and until make that CHOICE to get out of God’s way, we will simply feel like we are going in circles, chasing and searching endlessly, for that purpose that we will keep missing, because our gaze is directed in the wrong place and the wrong direction.

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Many times our gaze is upon OURSELF instead of on the one who CREATED us and the one who created the PLAN for our lives.

When we gaze at ourself, we will see our failures, our past mistakes or our own selfishness… All these things are going to keep us from finding that true path God has laid out for us.

Did you know God laid out a plan for our lives before we were even born?

Ephesians 2:10 For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them.

Ephesians 1: 4-5 For he chose us in him before the creation of the world to be holy and blameless in his sight. In love he predestined us for adoption to sonship through Jesus Christ, in accordance with his pleasure and will


Romans 8:28 “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.”

The things that you feel are "holding you back" can actually be used to bring GLORY to God, bring you CLOSER to God and to EQUIP you to "help" someone else!!

Maybe you have gone through a difficult path in life. Perhaps you have come out of drug addiction or an illness, or like me out of domestic violence… Those trials were so difficult that you were walking through, you felt unworthy, unlovable, unredeemable and yet God tenderly and patiently carried you through those storms and into your new life in Christ.

Those can be times we do not want to remember or think about, and so often, the trauma of those events can still haunt us and keep us from being all who we are created to be in Christ and we can feel the unworthiness creep up and tell us that, because of those dark times, we have nothing to offer the kingdom of God. Those words however, are lies…

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YET! God says! Those are the ways I am perfecting you! God can and WILL use those hard times to humble your heart and give you a heart of compassion to help others going through a similar situation.

God uses these trials to help us learn how to lean on him, to trust in him and to finally give it ALL to him. Those times lead us to finally get on our knees and say “God take it! I cannot fix the problems but YOU can!”

What a miracle trials can truly be. God love’s us so much that he allows those Jericho Walls to come tumbling down and teaches us to let go of the grip on our past, or the drugs, or the abuse and to let GOD come in and heal us and show us that HE IS TRUSTWORTHY AND FAITHFUL!

God’s Grip is greater than the Grip of Grief

When we let go of the past, of the hurts, of the pain and struggles, we CAN trust that God’s grip will NEVER let us go. It is scary at first, but letting go, we finally will find that rest and peace that we have been looking for the in hands of our loving savior.

Psalm 37:23-24 The steps of a man are established by the Lord, when he delights in his way;  though he fall, he shall not be cast headlong, for the Lord upholds his hand.

Not only can our trials be used to GLORIFY him and HELP others - but so can our INNER passions!

Did you know, the "inner passions" in your life are there for a reason, placed there special by God?

God gives us the desires of our hearts. Maybe your desire is for math, or music or painting or helping others, maybe cooking or sports!

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God will use those interests and passions to glorify his name when we give those dreams to him! He gives those desires ‘MEANING AND PURPOSE'“

DO have a desire to know God’s plan for your life??

Our wonderful Lord God! Show me today how I can glorify you “right where I am!” Move me Lord in the direction where you want me to go and show me opportunities to share you love and kindness with others!! In Jesus awesome name! Amen.


The Heart of the Matter


A grateful heart is a happy heart!