Fisher’s of Men - What does your boat look like?

Toss it all into the sea, letting go and giving it to God. Just like Peter, who left his boat and all those fish when Christ said, Come follow me and you will be fishers of men! (Mark 1:17, Matt 4:19)

Matthew 4-19.jpg

What is God asking you to do? Maybe it involves laying something down and turning away from it so he can move you forward in the direction he is asking you to go! Maybe ask God, “What is my boat you are asking me to set aside so that I too can be a fisher of men?”

Years ago, I was having such a blast in my radio career and I was busy and doing well and suddenly one night at my apartment, I was assaulted by a stranger. Little did I know, that night would change my life forever. I became pregnant by the attack, I lost my job and my life was caving in around me. I packed my bags and relocated back to my home state to live with my parents and allow God to heal my deep wounds.

I was panic stricken, I was having nightmares, PTSD, I suffered eating disorders, relationship disorders, I was a mess. I desperately needed God and I turned down my dream radio job offers because I felt I needed to be focused on God at this time. It was such a tough time in my life.

God led me to another career for awhile. In real estate.  That was enjoyable and I met some amazing people and made some quality friendships. During this time, I became involved in my local church and discovered God in the way I had been praying about. I had been seeking God, but didn’t know how to find him. I began playing piano in church and it was tremendous!

After a few years, I started having dreams of being a host of a Christian morning show. It was so detailed and I dreamt I was working at the local Christian radio station in town.  I was shocked as I had never worked in Christian radio, I certainly didn’t feel qualified to work in Christian radio and to be honest, I didn’t really WANT to work in Christian radio. I enjoyed the secular formats and that was what I was familiar with. Yet, I kept having those dreams. (I will share all the details of the dreams and the way God led me in another blog as it is quite remarkable.)

Well, Several years after putting radio aside, and workin in Real Estate, I suddenly ended up doing the morning Show at the Christian station that I had been dreaming about. I now have hosted Christian radio since 2004 and it has been life transforming. God led me out of radio and then led me right back in - but THIS time, it was for the purpose of bringing HIM glory and sharing his gospel. Perhaps you could say God made me a fisherman!

So, like Peter, God asked me to set my boat aside aside. Radio was my boat and I needed to set it aside to follow Christ. Then, God led me back into the career I love and this time - Doing what I love FOR the one I love and SHARING the love of our wonderful savior.

God wants the best for us.  God doesn’t give us dreams and talents so that he can rip them out from under us. He gives us dreams and talents and he can and will use them for his purposes!!

He wants us to learn, to grow, to mature and to not be so attached to this world that we are not able to give up things that we may love, in order to follow him.

There were many times my heart ached as I was missing the radio career. It had been my dream, it was the only thing I knew how to do and yet, I honestly believed that God wanted me to set it aside - for him. Well, he was right and what an amazing God that he allows me to have that career today.  

Sometimes, we need that pause in life, to gain perspective. To gain direction. To allow Christ’s heart to direct our paths.  When we are willing to let it ALL go for him, he willingly gives and gives and gives in abundance in ways we never imagined! And in ways we may not even feel qualified for!

(Luke 5: 4 & 6: 4"When Jesus had finished speaking, He said to Simon, “Put out into deep water and let down your nets for a catch.”  6"When they had done so, they had such a large number of fish that their nets began to tear.”

So if you are feeling in a rut, if you are feeling like the nets you are casting are coming up empty, maybe you need to park that boat. Spend more time with your savior and allow him to guide, direct, and mold you and show you a love you never could have imagined.  Isaiah 30:21: Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, “This is the way; walk in it.”

God calls us all to be fishers of men, to share the gospel and yes, he can do that through you and using your talents that he has blessed you with. Ask God today, to show you the road he wishes you to take.

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Prayer: Gracious Lord in heaven, show me the way you wish me to travel. Speak to my heart and speak through my life and let it reflect your beauty. Let my words be used to help others along their journey as well. In Jesus name, Amen.


Being grateful — God is always working on our behalf.


Negative Self-Talk