What’s for Dinner?

Jeremiah 15-16.png

When I was a kid, my mom used to make stew on occasion for dinner.

For the most part, stew consisted of the left-overs that she found in the refrigerator!  ANYTHING she could dig out and she would search even the back of the frig to find food that needed to be eaten.

When you make a stew you throw everything in there...some carrots, some potatoes, whatever you have, you just throw it all in…

We tend to do that with our thoughts as well. We “Stew” over the things we choose to hang on to.  We toss our failures into the pot, our hurts, all the nasty things that people have done to us...and we keep stirring up the pot and letting it fester and heat up…..

HOWEVER, In order to live the life that CHRIST has planned for us, We need to spend MORE time listening to the truths our father says about us and LESS time listening to the world. 

We need to stop wallowing in the stew and stop throwing all that negative stuff into our pot of thought.

Jeremiah 15:16 Your words were found, and I ate them, And Your word was to me the joy and rejoicing of my heart; For I am called by Your name, O LORD God of hosts.

Dear God, Help me today have a heart of gratitude.  Help me to savor the good words you have given us. Even when someone says an unkind word, I can choose to use words that encourage and I can choose to have thoughts that are uplifting and pure.  Help me to make these right choices Lord.   

In Jesus name, Amen


Thank you Jesus for Setting me FREE!


The Heart of the Matter